Text Banking

Your account information is just a text away.  With CNB Text Banking you can set up custom alerts as well as text simple commands that will give you your balance, history and allow you to transfer between accounts.

Enroll today through the Community Neighbor Bank mobile app.  Click the three lines in the top left hand corner and select "Messaging" and "Text Banking".  Once you are enrolled you can set up custom balance and transaction alerts. You can also activate your account(s) in Two Way Text Banking.

Custom Text Alerts

The Add Alert feature allows you to set up push alerts for specific accounts at designated times.  These alerts are designed to provide you information automatically without any interaction as they will be automatically generated. Below is a list of Text  Alerts that can be generated.

  • Daily Balance Alerts will automatically push a balance alert from a desired account at specific times throughout the day.
  • Monthly Balance Alerts will automatically push a balance alert from a desires account on specific time and days of the month.
  • Balance Threshold Alerts will automatically push a balance alert when your balance meets the threshold criteria that is input in the setup parameters.
  • Transaction Alerts will automatically push alerts when specific transactions occur on the accounts in which the Transaction Alerts are setup. The Transaction Alerts have different transactional categories to choose from. Each category will have a description location on the selection menu in order to limit confusion on what the category will provide. The different transaction categories are:
        • Debit Card
        • ACH Items
        • Paper
        • Internet Banking Transfer
        • Fees, Returns and Adjustments
        • All Categories

Two Way Text Banking  

The Two Way Text Banking feature allows you to activate accounts to utilize sending a simple text command to get balances, history and transfer between activated accounts through text messaging. 

Once you are enrolled in Text Banking you can activate your Two Way Text Banking in order to use the feature.

Below is a list of Two Way Texting Commands:

bal                                                                         bal+nickname or last four of account

Get balances for all of your accounts                   Get a balance for a specific account

hist                                                                        hist+nickname or last four of account

See history for all of your accounts                      See history for a specific account

xfer+last four of account from+last four of account to+amount

Transfer between your accounts (Example:  xfer 1234 9876 20.00)


List of commands and additional information


Unenroll from text banking